Into South Australia - Christmas Morning
My Christmas day started off very early- at 3am to be precise, with my phone alarm breaking the cold silence of the Nullarbor pre-dawn. Since I had a big day of flying ahead of myself, an impending time zone shift forward and marginal weather forecast in the afternoon, it was imperative that I get myself up and ready to fly.
I had planned to fly to Goolwa that day, making a big jump of 7 hours flight time, however the forecast had rain all day. So, I chose to file a flight plan for Port Lincoln instead. Although it was early, I still had a wonderful Christmas morning as I made myself a hot breakfast in the kitchen. The sun rises early in Forrest at this time of year, with first light just before 4. I took off into the eastern sunrise and set my course for 090, leaving behind the wonderful cluster of buildings which I had enjoyed so much over the past few days.
The time zone shift had me move 2.5 hours forward, so maybe the 3am get-up wasn’t as bad when you consider it was ‘only’ 5:30 South Australia time, and I touched down to refuel at the Nullarbor Roadhouse just after 9am local time. I’m still not over the novelty of refuelling at a roadhouse- the two times I’ve done it, the procedure has involved taxiing off onto what seems like more a road than a taxiway and parking next to a bowser at the back of the roadhouse- not unlike how you would fill up a car! The peculiarity of it all wasn’t only picked up on by myself as a few other people noticed NCO parked and took a selfie with me and the plane.
At the roadhouse, I re-assessed the weather and made the call that I wouldn’t be getting to Port Lincoln today- I was meant to arrive after the winds were forecast to be 40 knots, so I planned to overnight at Wudinna, a prior refuelling point. Since I wasn’t going to be flying as long a day, the pressure of time wasn’t as prominent, so I had a break and enjoyed a hot pie.
With time to spare and a safe amount of fuel, I got into the festive spirit 5000 feet above the ground and tried my hand- or yoke? at some sky art, having a go at drawing a Christmas tree, which was visible on Flightradar and other tracking apps. I had a few people message me after- I’m glad people are following along and enjoy the little addition!